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Из истории Мамая и Куликовской битвы
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Aug 17, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 13:11 +0000     Из истории Мамая и Куликовской битвы Ответить с цитатой

я знаю парочку вралей про Дмитрия Донского как он Мамая 3 дня прочь гнал))

вырезано модератором - здесь исторический форум, не надо сюда выяснение межнациональных отношений пихать Unkas

люди это же интерестно узнать настоящее !
расскажите что знаете и я расскажу что знаю я!! ну если даже и ничего не знаете можете написать что вы думаете)) :!: :)
все что интерестно то спросите... я отвечу...
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Зарегистрирован: Jul 17, 2003
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 13:31 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

ну насчет мамая и всей куликовской истории,

я слышал так. мамай не был чингизидом но попытался узурпировать престол улуса джучи. при этом естессно взять налоги с русских. им это не нравилось и поскольку он к тому же был нелегитимен они выступили против. НО вообще то по той версии которую слышал я он был разгромлен войсками центральной монгольской власти, вполне вероятно что в этих войсках были и русские, что сейчас они пытаются представить как освобождение от монгольского ига.

глупо, но по другому они не могут. слышал что даже какой то монастырь есть возле этого поля. и щас там активно ведут "патриотическую" работу с подрастающим русским поколением.
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баймга ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Jan 23, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 14:52 +0000     Куликовская битва...... Ответить с цитатой

По Л Гумилеву .....ядро конницы Дмитрия ,которая решило исход битвы состояло из крещенных монгол, обученных в бою монгольском конном строю русских и уверенность и стоикость русских в битве придавал главный союзник Донского - хан Тохтамыш, который спешил со своеи ордой на помощь ему.......
С таким тылом ............все понятно.........
А Мамайя воиско состояло в основном из кавказцев(осетин,черкесов) и наемнои генуйскои(евреискои) пехоты и половцев. Картина по моему все ясная.........
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баймга ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Jan 23, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 15:14 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

имена не бурят-монгольские согласен(наверное из-за их веротерпимости), а гены все равно наши.......
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Зарегистрирован: Jul 28, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 17:31 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Chronicle of Mongol and Russian

XIII century.
1223 or 4? AD
Mongols continue and destroy Russian-Kypchak army on Kalka River. The Rus army is commanded by the three Mstislavs: Mstislav Mstislavich (The Galician) Udaloi, who is son-in-law of Polovtsi Khan Khotyan, Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chormnyi of Chernigiv and Mstislav-Boris Romanovich the Old of Kyiv. But no Ryazantsi princes participate. They decide to move east into steppe to confront the unknown Tatar menace. They move down the Dniper and meet two Mongol delegations along the way but dismiss them. At Periaslavl they are reenforced from Smolensk, Chernigiv and Galicia and continue to Protolochi. Mstislav's lack of forsight in assessing the Mongols and his tenuous ties with the leader of the "Brodniki" who populated the Don region and replenished the Mongols, results in Mstislav surrendering to the Mongols. About half the Rus princes including Mstislav Romanovich of Kyiv, Svyatoslav of Konev, Mstislav Svyatoslavich of Chernigiv, Dmitri Mstislavich of Chernigiv (Kozel) , Izyaslav Ingvar'yevich (of Lutsk) , Syyatoslav of Shumsk, Alexandr Dubrovtsa, Yuri Nesvezh and Andrei, son in law of Mstislavich are killed. Mstislav Mstislavich Udaloi escapes. The sack of Sudak, is described by Ibn- al-Athir.

1237-8 AD
Batu leads second Mongol invasion to conquer Rus, Cumans (Polovtsi, or Kypchaks) and Crimea -Yurii II Vsyevolodovich , Grand Prince of Vladimir, killed in battle with Mongols as are his two sons. Ryazan captured on 12 Dec 1237, then Moscow, then Vladimir on 8 Feb. 1238 after week-long siege. Yuri II killed on 4 March on Siti River. One Mongol detachment takes Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, and Vologda. Another Mongol detachment attacks Peryeyaslavl, Tver, Uglich, Kashin and Torshok. At Tver the son of prince of Novgorod and Peryeyaslavl is killed. Torshok is heavily fortified city and holds out for 2 weeks until 5 March, disrupting the Mongol time table. Kashin is first mentioned in chronicles in this campaign. Mongols spend rest of 1238 regrouping and obtaining more horses in steppe region.
1238-46 AD
Yaroslav II Vsyevolodovich, prince of Peryeyaslavl, and sometime elected prince of Novgorod, who luckily was in Lithuania when the Mongols arrived, elected Grand Prince of Vladimir after death of his brother, Yuri II, at Siti River, in Sonkovski rayon. He dies in Mongolia in 1246.
1239 AD
Monka leads Mongol detachment to conquer Alans and Circassians in north Caucasus region. Batu completes subjugation of Kypchaks except for 40,000 who flee to Hungary. Mongols conquer Tibet. Mongols plunder Sudak, also devastate Theodoro (capital at Mangup-kale) and impose tribute, Tatar capital at Solkhat (Eski-krim), Mongols sack Chernigiv and Pereiaslavl. Chernigiv is defended by Mstislav Glebovich.
1240 AD
Batu's cousin, Mengu, who had already secretly entered the city on reconaissance, sends emissaries to Mikhail Vsyevolodovich who is ruling Kyiv, offering terms. Instead Mikhail has the ambassadors killed, then he and Daniil Romanovich flee the city. Mongol campaign sacks Kyiv in the fall. The Mongol army is spread thin over winter from Caucasus and Crimea to Carpathians. Many Kypchak flee to Hungary where they settle.
1241 AD
Mongols resume offensive. Mongol detachment wins battle at Liegnitz (April 9th) over Germans lead by Henrick the Good, where many Teutonic Knights are killed, and main army of Batu and Subudai destroy Hungarians led by King Bela IV at confluence of Tisa and Sajo Rivers on 11 April. Northern detachment turns south from Silesia to move rapidly throught Bohemia and Moravia. Bohemian king Vaclav wins minor skirmish over one Mongol band near Kladsko, but the Mongols are in a hurry to reach Hungary and don't take time to bother with Bohemians. Hungarian king Bela rallies support in Croatia. Emperor Frederick II, Pope Gregory IX, and various western rulers all issue appeals to each other to move against the Mongols, but no one makes a move.
1241 AD
In December Mongols cross frozen Danube and invade Croatia to capture Zagreb and overrun Dalmatian coast. Another Mongol detachment reaches Klosterneuburg near Vienna. Batu prepares campaign into Austria and Central Europe.
1241 AD
Death of Ogodei on 11 December.
1241-55 AD
Aleksandr Nevski returns to Novgorod in March and is again elected prince.
1242 AD
Batu receives word of Ogodei's death and starts back toward Mongolia in order to influence next election. Tatar-Mongols again sack Crimea.
1242 AD
Batu establishes khanate of Ulus of Jochi (Great or Kypchak khanate) at Sarai on Volga.
1243 AD
Batu confirms Yaroslav II Vsyevolodovich as Grand Prince of Vladimir and the yarlik for Kyiv. Yaroslav sends his son, Konstantin, to Sarai where he remained 2 years. Yaroslav is then summoned to the Mongol capital for the election of the new great Khan.
1244 AD
Egyptian sultan encourages Khorezmians (Turcomans), defeated by Mongols, to move to Iraq and Syria and in July they capture Jerusalem.
1245 AD
John of Plano Carpini begins journey as Papal envoy to Mongol khan at Qaraqorum - Daniil of Galicia goes to Sarai to obtain yarlik and avoid a Mongol governor going to Galicia. Batu confirms Daniil Romanovich as Prince of Galicia and Volynia.
1246 AD
Daniil aquieses to Khan's demand for tribute. Mikhail Vsyevolodovich, Grand Prince of Kyiv and Prince of Chernigiv, also goes to see Batu but refuses to kowtow and is executed. This strengthens Daniil's position.
1246-48 AD
Kuriltay electes Guyuk, Great Khan of Mongols; Yaroslav II, Grand prince of Vladimir: Kilij-Arslan IV, Seljuk sultan: David V, King of Georgia, are among the attendees along with the envoy of Pope Innocent. Guyuk decides to concentrate Mongol effort against Egypt in cooperation with Christians in Palestine. Yaroslav II Vsyevolodovich dies in Mongolia (poisoned?).
1246 AD
Daniil reorganizes Galician army along Mongol lines and equips it with Mongol arms and armor.
1246 AD
John de Plano Carpini passes through Ukraine but not Crimea on way to Sarai.
1248-52 AD
Guyuk gives yarlik to Andrei II Yaroslavich, as Grand Prince of Vladimir and appoints his brother, Aleksandr (Nevski), as Prince of Kyiv. Khan Guyuk dies in 1248, Mongol campaign to Palestine put on hold. In 1249 Andrei returns to Vladimir and Aleksandr goes to Novgorod instead of Kyiv.
1249 AD
Sudak celebrates "liberation" from Mongol-Tatars, but they pay tribute for the privilege of local self-government. Tatar capital in Crimea is at Solkhat, a one-day trip across the mountains from Sudak, on the caravan route to Perekop. Arab author Ibn-abd-az-Zakhir mentions that at Solkhat there are Alans, Russians, and Kypchaks among the diverse population.
1251-59 AD
Mongke, Great Khan of the Mongols, as result of alliance between himself and Batu and over wishes of descendents of Jagatay and Ogodei. Batu's son, Sartak, becomes Christian and is placed in charge of Russian affairs.
1251 AD
Daniil of Galicia marries daughter of Mendovg of Lithuania as one of a series of dynastic marriages and attempts to acquire an ally against the Mongols.
1251 AD
On death of Svyatoslav in 1248 AndreiII Yaroslavich of Suzdal is appointed Grand Prince. Aleksandr goes again to Sarai for confirmation by Batu, but Andrei refuses to go. Sartak leads Mongol army to Vladimir in 1252 and defeats Andrei near Peryeyaslavl-in-Suzdalia then devastates region. Andrei flees to Novgorod and then to Sweden to evade Mongol pursuit. Sartak gives yarlik for Vladimir to Aleksandr.
1252-63 AD
Aleksandr Yaroslavich, Nevski, Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1252 AD
Tatar army led by Burundai campaigns against Lithuanian principalities of Aukahtaitiya and Zhemaitiya. Lithuanians harrass Tatars but avoid major battles, thereby maintaining their independence.
1252 AD
Mongka orders new census and conscription throughout empire in support of campaign in China. This increases Mongol pressure in Russia. Mongols begin conquest of Sung empire, south China.
1253, 21 May
Friar William de Rubriquis passes through Sudak on his way from Acre to Sarai and Mongolia. He describes it as major trade center, and discusses Crimea in general. He notes that he met there some of the same merchants he had met in Constantinople. (Did these include Venetians?)
1253 AD
Daniil Romanovich of Volynia-Galicia seeks aid from western states (Hungary and Germany) and the Pope to start a crusade against the Mongols, without success. Tatar army of Nevruya attacks Peryeyaslav'-Zaleskii and another of Kurems attacks south Russia. These are driven back by Daniil. Daniil then wages war against Mindovg in Lithuania. Daniil attempts dynastic alliances. He marries sister of Tovtivil of Lithuania while his son, Roman, marries Gertrud, daughter of the Austrian prince Fredrick. Daniil receives title of King of Galicia from Pope in 1254.
1253 AD
Mongol army of Hulagu, Mongka's brother, prepares for campaign against Persia and Iraq: Another brother, Kubilay, begins campaign in China.
1255 AD
Batu Khan dies, succeeded by Sartak: Hulagu reaches Samarkand in September.
1255 AD
Aleksandr Nevski and his brother, Andrei in battle for throne of Vladimir, Yaroslav III Yaroslavich of Tver supports Andrei. The Tatars interveen and defeat Andrei on Klyazma river. Yaroslav flees, his wife is killed and his son taken prisoner.
1256 AD
Sartaq, Khan of the Kipchak Khanate, dies shortly after accession. (maybe poisoned) He is succeeded by his brother, Ulagchi, who calls all Russian princes to Sarai and confirms their yarliks and orders a new census and further conscription.
1256 AD
Daniil of Galicia begins to defy Mongols by driving their troops out of Podolia and Volynia. Mongols are busy in northern Russia and conductd only small, local punitive raids before withdrawing into steppe. Andrei II returns from Sweden and is given yarlik for Gorodetz and Nizhni Novgorod.
1256 AD
Hulagu crosses Amu Daria River in January and reinforcements from Kypchak Khanate strengthen his army further.
1256-7 AD
Mongol armies destroy many Assassin castles in Persia.
1257 AD
Mongol officials arrive in Riazan, Murom and Vladimir to conduct census. New Mongol administrative apparatus is established to control Russian princes. Vladimir area aquiesses, but Novgorod tries to reject Mongols.
1257 AD
Mongol armies reach Tongking south of China.
1258-1266 AD
Ulagchi dies, then Batu's brother, Berke, a Moslem convert, becomes Khan of Kypchak Horde, Mongol census of Rus begins. Berke supports alliance with Mamlukes in Egypt against his cousin, Hulagu. Berke shifts Mongol attention from northern Russia to Middle East and western Russia.
1258-9 AD
Aleksandr Nevski and Andrii go with Mongol officials to Novgorod to impress on people the futility of resistance. Nevertheless Novgorodians start a riot and Aleksandr has to use troops from Vladimir to protect Mongol officials and suppress riot. The census proceeded and Novgorod citizens are conscripted into Mongol army for duty in China. Novgorod avoids stationing of permanent Mongol officials.
1258 AD
Yaroslav III Yaroslavich, receives yarlik for Tver principality.
1258 AD
In February Hulegu sacks Baghdad, last Abbasid Caliph executed, contingents of Kypchak Horde sent by Ulagchi participate. Mongols reorganize and rest in preparation for campaign against Egypt.
1258 AD
Mendovg changes policy of alliance with Daniil and arrests Daniil's son, Roman, leaving Daniil without an ally against the Mongols.
1259 AD
Hulagu prepares to invade Syria.
1259 AD
Mongka dies of dysentery contracted while supervising operations in China. Kubilay concludes truce with Sungs and prepares to contest the Mongol succession. Hulagu returns to Mongolia leaving in Syria a small army consisting of a single Turkish division with Mongol officers under command of the Nestorian Christian general, Kit-Buka.
1259 AD
Berke replaces Mongol general (Kurumshi) in Podolia with new and more active commander (Burunday) with orders to suppress Daniil's independence and the Lithuanian expansion. Burunday orders Daniil and Russian princes to support his initial campaign against Lithuanians. Combined Mongol-Russian army raids Lithuania and seizes booty, but Lithuanian army avoids battle.
1260 AD
One quriltai elects Qubilai as khan and another elects Arik-Boke - civil war in center of Mongol empire, Qubilai wins. (Great Khan 1260-94).
1260 AD
Hulegu invades Syria, between January and March captures Aleppo and Damascus, but withdraws due to struggle over succession to Mongke. On September 3rd Mamlukes including now Kypchak and other Turkish troops defeat Mongol detachment of Kypchaks and Turks left behind at Ayn-Jalut ,Crusaders wondering whom to support.
1260 AD
Burunday leads Mongol army into Volynia and orders Russian princes to destroy their own town fortifications. Daniil flees to Poland. Russians comply by destroying forts. Mongols establish tax and conscription districts throughout southwest Rus region under supervision of their own officials. Burunday then withdraws Mongol army back to Dnieper steppe.
1260 AD
According to Marco Polo's account the Polo brothers (Venetians) have a trade post and real estate at Sudak.
1261-2 AD
Egyptian Mamluk Sultan Baybars ( who is Kypchak ) sends letter to Berke urging his assistance against Hulagu. Warfare begins between Berke and Hulagu over control of northern Iran.
1261 AD
Orthodox archbishop established at Sarai, capital of Kypchak Horde.
1262 AD
Revolts in Rus towns against Mongol tax collectors centered in Suzdalia towns, Rostov, Vladimir, Yaroslavl and Suzdal. Aleksandr Nevski goes to Berke to plead forbearance and pardon for his people. Berke agrees.
1262 AD
Berke orders his Kypchak troops with Hulagu to defect and they go to Egypt to reinforce the Mamlukes. Berke's initial campaign against Hulagu is led by Emir Nogai and is defeated in Derbent area in late 1262.
1263-72 AD
Aleksandr dies on return journey at Gorodets on the Volga. Berke gives yarlik of Vladimir to Aleksandr's brother, Yaroslav III of Tver, making Tver the political center of Rus. He is also the appointed prince of Novgorod, but his policy to expand Tver at Novgorod's expense fails. Aleksandr's son, Dmitrii, becomes prince of Peryeyaslavl-Zaleski, the family base holding.
1263 AD
Envoy of Sultan Baibars of Egypt arrives to build mosque at Solkat in Crimea for the Mamluk ruler commemorating his birthplace.
1263-4 AD
Berke leads Kypchak Horde army into Transcaucasia and defeats Hulagu. Both armies suffer heavy losses in battle seriously weakening Mongol power. Berke levies conscription on Russia for troops for campaigns in Caucasus and TransCaucasus. Kypchak Horde is now firmly allied with Mamluks in Egypt against Il-Khans in Persia. Many Egyptian troops continue to come from Kypchak Horde including Russians and Alans.
1264 AD
Qubilai defeats Arik-Boke, Qubilai moves capital from Qaraqorum to Beijing.
1264 AD
Berke sends Nogai with army into Thrace to secure assistance of the vassal Bulgarian Tsar, Constantine, against the Byzantines.
1265 AD
Combined Mongol- Bulgarian armies threaten Constantinople.
1265 AD
Khan Berke gives Sudak as appanage to Seljuk Sultan Kai Karnes II as wedding present.
1265-66 AD
Khan Berke again campaigns in Transcaucasia with advance guard commanded by Nogai.
1265-82 AD
On death of Hulagu, Abaqa becomes second khan of Il Khan empire in Iran.
1266 AD
Genoese found colony at Kaffa by buying land from a Tatar noble, agreed to by Khan Berke, but city is already ancient from before 10th century, they build mostly new city and provide earthen wall defenses initially.
1267-80 AD
Berke dies in 1266 in Tbilisi during the campaign and his army retires across the Caucasus. He has no living son. Mangu Temir, grandson of Batu is elected Khan of Kypchak Horde. Mangu-Temir is a Sky worshipper, which greatly reduces Kypchak pressure to support Moslems. He grants yarlik of immunity from taxes and conscription to the Russian Church. Nogai is assigned to command the Mongol armies in the Balkans.
1267 AD
Qubilay begins campaign again in South China with assistance of detachments from both Kypchak Horde and the Il-Khans (Including Russian units).
1267 AD
Hulagu's successor, Abaqa, attempts to organize alliance with Christian Europe against Moslems in Near East.
1269 AD
Kaidu (grandson of Ogodei) gains control of all Transoxania and Kashgaria.
1269 AD
Mangu-Temir and Abaqa conclude peace treaty.
1271 AD
Emir Nogai starts Mongol offensive against Constantinople to reopen Bosporus to traffic between Egypt and Kypchak Horde.
1272-76 AD
Khan Mangu-Temir gives yarlik to Vasilii Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Vladimir- from Kostroma. He was another son of Yaroslav and Rostislava. Khan sends troops to support Vasilii's claim to the title as prince of Novgorod against Novgorodian opposition.
1274 AD
Official act of Sudak mentions use of "Soldaia asper" -silver coin - in trade. Three official acts mention Genoese at Sudak and two at south Black Sea shore town - Batits - mention payment of visa duties for trade with Sudak.
1274 AD
Mongol campaign against Japan is defeated. Kaidu proclaims his independence in Central Asia.
1275 AD
Qubilay orders new census and conscription in Russia for campaign in south China.
1276 AD
Kaidu moves against Qubilay's officers in Central Asia but the Great Khan restores his power there.
1276-81 AD
Vasilii dies as last of the Yaroslavichi, leaving no brothers. Mangu-temir gives yarlik to Aleksandr's son, Dmitrii I Aleksandrovich, of Peryeyaslavl- Suzdalia as Grand Prince of Vladimir (1st time). He also gives him the title of prince of Novgorod.
1277 AD
Kaidu seizes Karakorum briefly but is soon ousted by Qubilay's troops.
1277 AD
Mangu-temir begins offensive against Alans in north Caucasus and orders Russian princes to bring their druzhina in support. Aleksandr Nevski's third son, Andrei, among others, participates. The Russians capture the main Alan fortified city.
1279 AD
Rus princes join Mongol forces in war against Lithuania.
1279 AD
Papal legate Philipp of Fermo, issues orders showing his concern that the Hungarian king, Laslo IV, is living according to the Kypchak manner rather than as a Christian.
1279 AD
Qubali gains control of all of China. Khan Mangu-Temir dies and his brother, Tuda-Mangu, is elected Khan of the Kypchak Horde. Nogai proclaims himself khan also (of the Nogai horde).
1280-87 AD
Khan Tudu Mangu, of Kipchak Horde, controlled mostly by Nogai.
1280 AD
All Russian princes except Grand Prince Dmitrii I Aleksandrovich go to meet Khan Tuda-Mangu. Dmitrii is busy attacking Novgorod. Tuda-Mangu cancels his yarlik and gives Vladimir to Dmitri's younger brother, Andrei prince of Kostroma and Gorodets, Dmitri refuses to surrender the yarlik and conflict follows. Tuda-Mangu sends Mongol troops to assist Andrei. Mongols pillage Vladimir region and install Andrei on throne.
1280's AD
Mongols campaign with modest success in Cambodia, Annam and Burma. The second Mongol campaign against Japan fails in 1281.
1281-83 AD
Andrei Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince - from Gorodets - He brings Tatar troops in support against Tver and Torzhok.
1281 AD
Dmitrii goes to Nogai and receives yarlik for Vladimir and troops for support to regain the throne. Andrei is forced to give up and move to Kostroma. However, Tuda-Mangu continues to consider Andrei the legal Grand Prince. Rostov princes likewise remain loyal to Tuda-Mangu.
1281-1318 AD
Mikhail Yaroslavich, younger brother of Svyatoslav, is prince of Tver with his mother, Ksyena, as regent at first.
1282 AD
Nogai sends 4,000 select Mongol (Kypchak) troops to support Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII, but Michael dies before the campaign begins.
1282 AD
Orthodox bishopric of Sudak has its own metropolitan. Church accounts mention that by mid 13th century population of Sudak is 8300. (Possibly only males counted). The account lists Greeks, Tatars, Armenians, and others.
1282-84 AD
Teguder Ahmad, Khan of Il-Khan Dynasty in Iran.
1283 AD
Tuda-Mangu converts to Islam and becomes a religious mystic.
1283-94 AD
Dmitrii I Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince - 2nd time.
1284-91 AD
Arghun, Khan of Il Khan Dynasty in Iran.
1285-6 AD
Nogai leads his own Mongol (Kypchak) troops in offensive into Hungary from the south. Tele-Buga leads the army of the main Kypchak Horde into Slovakia from the north but is stopped by snow in the Carpathian Mountains and forced to retire to Galicia, which he then loots in compensation for missing out in Hungary.
1286 AD
Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tver leads united troops of Tver, Moscow, Novo-torzhok, and Rzhev against Lithuanian invasion. In following two years he shows independence from Grand Prince of Vladimir, Dmitrii I Aleksandrovich.
1286 AD
Nogai arrives in Galicia to work together with Tele-Buga to attack Poland. They order Russian princes to join as well. Nogai attacks Krakow and Tele-Buga moves toward Sandomir.
1287 AD
After looting Poland both Mongol armies return to Galicia and Volynia to complete the destruction there. This destruction reduces the local ability to resist the subsequent advance by Lithuania.
1287 AD
Baptism of one of Nogai's wives at Chufut-Kale.
1287 AD
Venetian consul mentioned at Sudak - possibly existed from some time after 1265.
1287-91 AD
Tele Buga, Khan of Kipchak Horde after resignation of Tudu Mangu. He opens new war against Il-Khans in Persia to try to take Azerbaijan, but fails.
1289 AD
Rostov people try to use opportunity to rebel against Mongols, but revolt is suppressed by Russian princes with Mongol aid.
1290's AD
Sudak population is one third Tatar.
1290 AD
Tele-Buga again at war in Azerbaijan. He tries to arrest Mangu-Temir's son, Tokhta, who escapes and finds refuge with Nogai.
1291 AD
Mamluks drive last Crusaders out of Palestine, Venice establishes trade with Turks at Acre, Genoa tries to close Dardanelles to Venice.
1291 AD
Nogai captures Tele-Buga and has him executed. He then places Tokhta on throne as Khan. Tokhta revitalizes Horde and its army. The Russian princes split with some including Andrei and the Rostov princes going to swear allegiance to Tokhta and others including Dmitrii and Michael of Tver going to swear allegiance to Nogai.
1291-1313 AD
Tokhta, Khan of Kypchak Horde.
1291-95 AD
Geikhatu, Khan of Il-Khan empire.
1293 AD
Tokhta confirms Andrei as Grand Prince of Vladimir and sends Mongol army to support Andrei in battle against Dmitrii. Result is extensive destruction in entire Vladimir princedom and looting of Vladimir, Moscow and other towns. Tver tries to resist against another Mongol army. Dmitrii flees to Pskov and then dies.
1293 AD
Mongols are defeated in Java.
1293 AD
Nogai invades Serbia and forces king to acknowledge him as overlord.
1294-1307 AD
On death of Qubilai, Temur Oljeitu becomes Great Khan (Yuan Dynasty) in China.
1294 - 1304 AD
On death of Dmitrii Aleksandrovich, Andrei III Aleksandrovich, again Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1295 AD
Baidu and then Ghazan (1295-1304) become Khan of Il-Khan empire, convert to become Muslim.
1297 AD
Tokhta calls all Russian princes to meeting at Vladimir with his representative and forces them to unite in his support. War between Tokhta and Nogai between the Volga and the Pruth. Nogai brings his army from Bulgaria and Romania to the battle between the Pruth and Dniester Rivers. Nogai wins and drives Tokhta back across the Don River but fails to complete the pursuit and follow up the victory.
1297 AD
Venice and Genoa at war in Black Sea with each seeking support from one of the rival Mongol khans. Venice gains temporary control of Evpatoria.
1298 AD
Tatars sack Moscow.
1298-1300 AD
Steppe war among Kypchak clans, Nogai, instead of following up against Tokhta, turns into Crimea. He captures Eski-Kerman, Chufut Kale, attacks Kaffa, Chersonesus and Sudak. Acceleration of decline of Chersonesus with Tatars controlling western Crimea.
1299 AD
During steppe war Metropolitan Maksim leaves Kyiv for Vladimir. Kyiv is now too unsafe a location for church headquarters.
1299 -1300 AD
Khan Tokhta has new army and returns to the attack. Battle of (Kukanlyk) Kagamly River, near modern Poltava, Khan Tokhta defeats Nogai, who is killed by one of Tokhta's Russian troops. Tokhta executes him for daring to spill the blood of a Mongol emir. Soon the Nogai Horde divides and some move back to steppes north of the Caspian Sea while others remain along the Dnieper. Tokhta sets about restoring order and power after damage caused by the civil war.
XVI century.
1300-40 AD
Strong Russian unts are maintained in north China and from 1330 as special guards for the Mongol Emperor. These were volunteer recruits, conscripts, and captured prisoners. For instance thousands of Tverians were sent to China after the abortive rebellion in Tver in 1327.
1301 AD
Kaidu tries again to capture Karakorum and dies. Great Khan Timur succeeds in reunited Mongols in that all again recognize his supremacy and agree to negociate their individual differences. With internal unity in the Kypchak Horde and enforced agreement between the Kypchak and Il-Khans the Mongol pressure on Russia increases and the Russians can't get away with rebellions. The Russian princes continue to fight each other.
1301 AD
Daniil Aleksandrovich, of Moscow captures Kolomna from Riazan even though Riazan has support from local Mongol garrison troops.
1303 AD
Daniil takes Mozhaisk from prince of Smolensk and Peryeyaslavl from officers of Andrii Aleksandrovich. Daniel's success starts the trend for Moscow continued by his descendents. Andrii goes to complain to Tokhta who orders a new meeting of Russian princes under his control.
1304 AD
Russian princes attend meeting at Peryeyaslavl under Mongol supervision and are forced to swear allegiance and stop fighting.
1304 AD
Il-khan Gazan dies and his brother, Oljaitu, is proclaimed the new ruler.
1305 AD
Death of Metropolitan Maksim, Mikhail II Yaroslavich of Tver wants abbot Gerontius to be next Metropolitan, but Abbot Peter is called from south Russia as next Metropolitan. (1308) He is supported by Yurii III of Moscow and in return moves his see from Vladimir to Moscow. This brings major power to Moscow.
1305 AD
Mikhail II Yaroslavich of Tver attacks Moscow unsuccessfully. He also fails to aquire part of Novgorodian lands. His efforts to gain control of Novgorod unappreciated by locals.
1305 AD
On death of Andrii Aleksandrovich in 1304 both Mikhail of Tver and Yurii Daniilovich of Moscow seek the yarlik for Vladimir from Tokhta. He gives it to Mikhail. The struggle between Moscow and Tver intensifies.
1305-19 AD
Mikhail II Yaroslavich, now Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1307 AD
Khan Tokhta arrests Genoese at Sarai .
1307 AD
Great Khan Timur dies with no male descendents. Throne in China passes to a succession of eight emperors in following final twenty-six years of Mongol rule.
1308 AD
Khan Tokhta besieges Kaffa and Sudak.
1311 AD
Yurii Daniilovich of Moscow campaigns against Nishnigorod to expand Moscow to Oka, with support from Metropolitan Peter.
1311 AD
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bosporus, Franciscas de Camarino has 5 bishops including Chersonesus.
1312 AD
Mikhail II Yaroslavich of Tver recalls his namestnik from Novgorod and institutes blockade of grain supply. Novgorod already suffering from major fire and needing food, sues for peace. But Novgorodians seek support from Moscow.
1313-41 AD
After Tokhta dies on way to visit Russia in 1312, Osbeg (Uzbek), nephew of Tokhta, is elected Khan of Kypchak Horde. Horde becomes Muslim. He institutes new policy of ordering the Russian princes themselves to collect the taxes instead of the former Mongol baskak. Novgorod seeks to use opportunity of new Khan to weaken Tver. Mikhail II Yaroslavich goes to Sarai to obtain new yarlik as grand prince. Osbeg confirms Mikhail.
1314 AD
Genoese trading at Chersonesus - Novgorod throws Tver namestnik out and burns Tver suburb on Volga and asks for help from Yurii Danilovich of Moscow.
1315 AD
Mikhail returns to Tver with yarlik as grand prince of Vladimir. He quickly sets out on campaign against Novgorod. In decisive battle at Torzhok the town is burned and Novgorod looses. Mikhail assesses tribute of 12000 silver grivna on Novgorod.
1315 AD
Yuri III Danilovich of Moscow ordered to Sarai. He takes a large amount of money from Novgorod as a present. He remains 2 years and marries Osbeg's sister Konchaka (Agrafa).
1316 AD
Genoese decree establishes relationship between Kaffa and Sudak for trade and customs duties. Sudak losing its preeminence in favor of Kaffa, which is Genoese main base on Black Sea.
1317 AD
Yurii III Danilovich marries Agaf'yei, sister of Khan Ozbek, and receives Yarlik from his Tatar brother-in-law and campaigns against Tver with support from Novgorod. Mikhail II first defeats Novgordians at Torshok and concludes peace with them, Then he defeats Yurii at Bortenovo (40 versts below Tver on Volga) on 22 December, Agafa is captured and dies at Tver. Yurii Danilovich has Tatar detachment of Kavgadi with him. Yurii flees to Sarai and accuses Mikhail of defying Ozbeg. Mikhail must go to Sarai.
1318 AD
Grand Prince Mikhail II Yaroslavich executed on 22 November by Khan Osbeg, Yurii III Danilovich again receives yarlik for Vladimir. Dmitri Mikhailovich (Grozniye Ochi) , becomes prince of Tver, and the principality is divided into udels (appanages) for brothers, Aleksandr Mikhailovich, Konstantin Mikhailovich and Vasilii. They all have roles to play in future
1320-22 AD
Anti-Tatar uprising in Rostov.
1320 AD
Franciscan monastery at Balaklava - Roman Catholic diocese at Kaffa including territory from Sarai to Varna
1321 AD
Battle of the Irpen' River. Gedemin defeats a coalition of Russian princes and captures Kyiv, leaving a vassal prince as governor. It is not clear if this was Ivan Volodimir Ivanovich, Prince Andrei of Ovruch, or perhaps someone else. Prince Stanislav of Kyiv also is mentioned.
1321 AD
Having collected the Tribute for the Tatars, Yurii Danilovich makes the mistake of stopping in Novgorod. This enables Dmitri Mikhailovich of Tver to get to Sarai ahead of him and convince Khan Ozbeg that Yurii is untrustworthy.
1321 AD
Tatar official Tayanchar goes from Sarai to Tver to assess huge indemnity from Kashin region. Moscow detachments descend on Kashin but Tver lacks strength to help Kashin.
1321 AD
Mention of Kerkri (Chufut- Kale).
1322 AD
Khan Ozbeg attacks Kaffa, sacks Sudak, allows Venetians back to Tana.
1322-25 AD
Dmitri Mikhailovich goes to Sarai to receive yarlik for Tver, with big present (bribe). Khan Ozbeg decides that Tver is now sufficiently weakened and punished so he takes yarlik from Yurii Danilovich and gives it to Dmitri, Prince of Tver who becomes also Grand Prince of Vladimir by Tatar Yarlik
1323 AD
Pope John XXII (Avignon) sends message to Khan Ozbeg asking for return of stolen church bell at Sudak.
1325 AD
Dmitri Mikhailovich kills Yurii Danilovich of Moscow at Sarai, Ivan Danilovich (Kalita) becomes udelni prince of Moscow. (grand prince from 1328 - 1340)
1326 -48 AD
Pskov is fearful on the one hand of the Teutonic Order's expansion and on the other of the successful campaigns of Lithuania against Novgorod, which have laid bare the latter's inability not only to defend Pskov but itself as well from Lithuanian threats. Pskov seeks military-political dependancy on Lithuania. This brings about rising tensions between Novgorod and Pskov and eventually an independent Pskov Republic.
1326-28 AD
Khan Ozbeg orders execution of Dmitri Mikhailovich for murder of Yurii Daniilovich. Aleksandr Mikhailovich, of Tver, Dmitri's brother, receives yarlik by Osbeg as Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1327 AD
Tatars attack Kaffa and Sudak.
1327 AD
Tatar ambassador Shevkal, brother of Osbeg, arrives at Tver to collect tribute and faces Anti-Tatar uprising on 15 August. Tatar detachment all killed. In the fall Ivan I Daniilovich Kalitka of Moscow obtains huge Tatar army to attack Tver. They burn the city and also Kashin and Novo-Torshok and entire region.
1328 AD
Aleksandr Mikhailovich removed as Grand Prince, due to uprising in Tver. He flees with his family to Novgorod and then to Pskov. Then his brother, Konstantin, becomes prince of Tver. To avoid more dangers he becomes ally of Ivan Kalitka.
1328 AD
Feognost becomes Metropolitan of Rus.
1328-41 AD
Ivan I Danilovich, Kalita, of Moscow, Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1330's AD
Many Armenians move to Kaffa, they are largest group next to Tatars, build many churches and a monastery near Sudak.
1333 AD
Pope John XXII makes Chersonesus a city subject to Bosporus, orders cathedral of St Clement built, Richard Anglico Bishop of Chersonesus - Grand Prince Ivan I, Metropolitan Feognost and Ibn-Battutu visit Sarai
1337 AD
Aleksandr Mikhailovich of Tver agrees to submit to Khan and returns to Tver. But Ivan considers this very dangerous.
1338 AD
Another Tatar attack on Sudak.
1339 AD
Ivan I pressures Alexandr Mikhailovich to subordinate himself along with his son, Feodor, more to Khan. The bell of the Tver cathedral of Spaso Preobrashenski is taken to Moscow. Ivan I and Khan Ozbeg lead combined forces in attempt to take Smolensk.
1339 AD
Khan Ozbeg renews treaty with Genoa. They rebuild Kaffa walls.
1340 AD
Khan Ozbeg fighting Genoese in Crimea and then confirms Genoese charter.
1340 AD
Grand Prince Ivan I Daniilovich visits Sarai for 4th or 5th time, Prince Simyeon (his son) also visits along with all Rus princes called to gather there. Ivan I Daniilovich gets Khan Ozbeg to approve the conditions of his will ahead of time.
1341-53 AD
On death of Ivan I Daniilovich , Simyeon Ivanovich Gordii, Grand Prince of Vladimir, ruler of Moscow.
1341-42 AD
Tinibeg, Khan of Golden Horde.
1342-57 AD
Jannibeg, Khan of Golden Horde, Grand Prince Simyeon and Metropolitan Feognost both visit Sarai to swear allegiance.
1343 AD
Riot at Tana between Italians and Muslims causes Khan Jannibeg to drive both Venice and Genoa out.
1343-45 AD
Khan Jannibeg continues to Crimea to besiege Kaffa.
1344 AD
Pope Clement VI calls for crusade to defend Kaffa from the Tatars.
1346 AD
Plague from Asia strikes Tatars, then Tana, then Italians fleeing Tana bring to Kaffa, Tatars besiege city and perhaps throw bodies into town, (or maybe it was carried on fur skins being shipped) Genoese ships carry to Europe as "Black Death". 80,000 die in Crimea.
1347 AD
Khan Jannibek cuts Venetians at Tana.
1354 AD
All Rus princes assemble at Sarai, Khanum Taydula gives Aleksei (to be appointed Metropolitan) yarlik for visit to Constantinople.
1356 AD
Khan Jannibeg makes treaty with Venice.
1356 AD
Russian chronicle mentions arrival of Tatar ambassador accompanied by merchant "Surozhane". Surozhe - Sudak becomes name for merchants trading to south having special privileges.
1357 AD
Metropolitan Aleksei cures Khanum Taydula at Sarai, Jannibeg dies. Aleksei receives Tatar owned area within Kremlin for the Chudov Monastery.
1357-59 AD
Berdibek, Khan of Golden Horde, he issues yarlik to Aleksei.
1359 AD
Khan Berdibek is murdered, beginning of difficult internal struggle in Kypchak Horde.
1359-63 AD
On death of Ivan II, Dmitrii Konstantinovich, of Suzdal Nishegorod given yarlik as Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1359-89 AD
On death of Ivan II, 9-year-old Dmitrii Ivanovich, Donskoi becomes Prince of Moscow, Grand Prince from 1363.
1360-62 AD
Khaidar, succedes Qulpa (1359-60) as Khan of Kypchak Horde, but there is civil war during next few years over throne of Kypchak Horde.
1361 AD
Emir Mamai effectively in control of western half of Golden Horde.
1362-63 AD
Battle of the River Sinivody at the Southern Bug (left bank tributary of the Bug). This battle has been mistakenly called the Blue water failing to indicate the precise location. Grand Prince Olgerd of Lithuania is victorious over Kadlubak, (Kachibei, Demetrius) - Tatar chieftans from Crimea (Mangup?) Meanwhile the Teutonic Order with German and French knights besieges Kovno. Olgerd and Keistut bring Russian-Lithuanian army but decide against battle and the fortress falls.
1362-64 AD
Murad, Khan of Golden Horde - civil war and multiple khans following him. He gives yarlik to Dmitrii Konstantinovich of Nizhnigorod.
1363-89 AD
Dmitrii Ivanovich (Donskoi) given yarlik as Grand Prince of Vladimir by Khan Murad, but Khan changes his mind because Mamai favors Dmitrii and returns yarlik to Dmitrii Konstantinovich. But faced with lack of internal support Dmitrii Konstantinovich gives up and agrees in 1366 to marriage of his daughter with Dmitrii Ivanovich.
1365 AD
Riazan defeats Tatar troops.
1365 AD
Under Mamai, Tatars attempt to reconquer lost territory from Genoese.
1367 AD
Dmitrii Ivanovich rebuilds Moscow kremlin walls from wood to stone, more appanage princes begin payment of tribute to Moscow.
1368 AD
On death of prince Vasilii Mikhailovich of Kashin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich occupies the throne of Tver. Seeking to weaken his power and influence, Dmitrii Ivanovich of Moscow seeks support of the head of the church, Metropolitan Aleksei. Dmitrii succeeds in capturing and imprisoning Mikhail until the Khan orders his release. At the end of the summer Dmitrii begins campaign against Tver. Mikhail calls for help from Lithuania. In October Olgerd (Algirdas) Grand Duke of Lithuania counterattacks and then besieges Moscow, with detachment also from Tver, but they are unsuccessful. They burn the surrounding area and withdraw. On 21 November at the Battle of Lake Trostenskoye, 10 km south of Rumyantsevo the Muscovite polki are practically destroyed. To fight Moscow Mikhail also seeks aid of Kypchak Horde. Mikhail obtains yarlik but Dmitri does not accept that.
1370 AD
Dmitrii Konstantinovich sends his brother, Boris, and son, Vasilii, against Volga Bulgar with approval of Tatar Khan and Mamai.
1370 AD
Dmitri Ivanovich again invades Tver and Mikhail again gets help from Lithuania and from Horde. Ol'gerd besieges Moscow second time, unsuccessfully. Mikhail obtains a yarlik from Mamai's puppet khan.
1371 AD
Mikhail again goes and obtains yarlik from Mamai, while Dmitrii obtains yarlik from Khan at Sarai. Vladimir Andreyevich (Khrabrii) udel prince of Serpukhov, Dmitri's cousin, marries Ol'gerd's daughter.
1373 AD
Mamai in revenge sacks Riazan.
1374 AD
Mamai's ambassadors and troops are killed at Nizhegorod by order of Archbishop Dionisii, who is attempting to instigate hostilities between Mamai and Dmitri.
1374 AD
Urus Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1375 AD
Cyprian becomes Metropolitan of all Rus, (or 1381 ? ) attempts policy of unifying church in all Rus lands.
.1375 AD
Tatars sack Nizhegorod - Dmitrii of Moscow and Mikhail of Tver sign truce unfavorable to Mikhail. Mikhail declares himself 'younger brother' of Dmitrii, and Tver agrees to help Moscow against Tatars.
1376 AD
Muhammed Saltan, ruler of Bolgar and Kazan.
1376 AD
Dmitrii Ivanovich besieges and gets tribute from Kazan - Toqtaqya and then Temur Kelik are Khans of the Kypchak Horde.
1377 AD
14 Jan -20 March - Rus campaign against Tatar vassal, Volga Bolgar, against Tatar wishes.
1377 AD
Mamai unites under himself all power over the western part of the Kypchak Horde from Volga ulus except Astrakhan ulus of Khadzi Cherkesa, but he is not legal ruler, who is Khan Tulyak. Mamai's troops attack Nizhnigorod and again in 1378.
1376-91 AD
Toqtamish, Khan of White horde, claims Kypchak Horde also.
1378 AD
Toqtamish captures Sarai - leaving Mamai with control only over Kypchak in western regions. Dmitrii defeats Mamai's troops led by Beglich, on Vozha River, Tatars burn Nizhegorod, Metropolitan Aleksei dies.
1379 AD
Mamai preparing for offensive coming from east by Toqtamish. He obtains promise of support from Oleg of Ryazan and Jagiello of Lithuania.- Pimen becomes Metropolitan of Rus in Moscow.
1379 AD
Mitya journey to Kaffa via Solkhat. He meets Mamai in steppe of north Crimea on way to Constantinople - receives yarlik from Khan Tulyak for metropolitan of Moscow, arrives Constantinople at time of Genoese blockade and dies on shipboard.
1380 AD
September 8, Battle of Kulikovo Pole, Dmitri Ivanovich (Donskoi) defeats Mamai. Dmitri has 10 "Surozhane" - merchant traders with Crimea - as guides for campaign across the steppe.
1380 AD
28 November, treaty between Genoese and Mamai, Jarkass, Governor of Solkhat signs in name of khan, Consul of Kaffa is Giannone del Bosco.
1380 AD
Mangup fortifications rebuilt (under agreement with Toqtamish?).

1381 AD
Toqtamish defeats Mamai who is killed in Kaffa, - 23 February, renewed treaty between Genoese and Tatars, Elias, son of Kotolbega, now Governor of Solkhat signs for Tatars, Toqtamish now khan.
1382 AD
Toqtamish campaign against Moscow, approaches unsuspecting city on 12 August, uses ruse to gain entrance to city, then sacks it. Boris of Nizhnigorod is Toqtamish ally. Michael of Tver supports Tatars in hopes of getting yarlik, but is disappointed.

1386 AD
Novgorod tries to use Tatar victory over Moscow to gain more independence. Dmitrii Ivanovich brings army and extracts promise of Tatar tribute from Novgorod the Great. Jagiello marries Jadwiga bringing Lithuania and Poland into dynastic union. He is baptised and made King of Poland.
1387 AD
12 August, new treaty between Genoa and Tatars, Governor of Solkhat signs in name of Toqtamysh, for Genoa - Giannone del Bosco and Gentile dei Grimaldi
1387 AD
Beginning of conflict between Toqtamysh and Timur (Tamerlane).

1389 - 1425 AD
On death of Dmitrii Ivanovich Donskoi, Vasilii I Dimitriyevich, Grand Prince of Vladimir.
1391 AD
Timur renews war against Toqtamish. He drives Kypchak army north along Volga and defeats Toqtamish on Kondurcha River (or Sakmara) on 18 June. Vasilii Dimitriyevich is called to support Toqtamish but manages to keep his army north of the Ik River. Skirting Suzdal and Ryazan territories he crosses the steppe beyond the Don. But once there he is compelled to marry Sofia, daughter of Vitvot of Lithuania. He brings his bride back to Moscow.
1392 AD
Vasilii I IDmitriyevich takes advantage of Tatar weakness to sieze Nizhni-Novgorod.
1394 AD
Tetrak, ruler of Bolgar and Kazan.
1395 AD
Tamerlane campaigns against Toqtamish, wins decisive battle on 14 April on Terek River, sacks Sarai, destroys Tana on 14 September, destroys much of Crimea, his army rampages to Dniper, but he refrains from marching on Moscow due to danger from Kypchaks on his flanks. His supporter in Crimea is Tash Timur, Toqtamish flees to Lithuania.
1396-97 AD
Toqtamish returns, attacks Kaffa successfully defended by Genoese. His army is attacked in rear by troops of Khan Timur Qutlugh.
1397-98 AD
Vitvot begins campaigns deep into steppe as far as Black Sea allied with Toqtamish's Tatars. They have army now equipped with pischali (hand guns) and cannon and depart Kyiv for Crimea. On 8 September 1397 they are victorious over small forces of Timur Qutlugh and Yedigei near Kaffa. During the 1397 campaign Vitvot takes Kariate families from Chufu-Kale to settle at Trakai. Then in 1398 Timur Qutlugh defeats Toqtamish and forces his return to Lithuania. Toqtamish agrees to treaty with Vitvot giving the latter the ulus of Moscow in exchange for further help in war against Timur Qutlugh
1397-99 AD
Yedigei in Crimea ruling for Khan in civil war, in process Tatars attack and burn Chersonesus, virtual end of the city.
1399 AD
Khan Timur Qutlugh defeats Toqtamish and Grand Duke Vitvot (Vytautus) at Vorskla River on 12 August. Many Lithuanian princes are killed. This is decisive blow to Lithuanian efforts on Black Sea coast. Prince Yurii Svyatoslavich regains his city at Smolensk, but loses it again in 1403-4.
XV century
1401-07 AD
Yedigei installs Sadi Beg (Shadibek) as Khan of Kypchak Khanate (Ulus Juchi). Sadi, Beg restores closer ties with Moscow.
1407-10 AD
Pulad Han Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1408 AD
Emir Edigei attacks Moscow and nearby towns. He demands troops and artillery for support from Prince Ivan of Tver. Ivan pretends to agree but keeps his forces at home, greatly improving his position within Russia. Edigei besieges Moscow but fails to take city before he is recalled to send troops elsewhere. But he extracts ransom. Meanwhile Vasilii is conveniently in north 'raising troops.'
1410 AD
Battle of Tannenberg,( or Grundvald or Salgir) On 15 July Vitvot with Polish, Lithuanian and Russian troops defeats Teutonic Knights of Ulrich von Jungingen. Tens of thousands of Teutonic knights are killed. But Livonian Order stays out of the battle.
1410-12 AD
Temur Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1411 AD
Emir Edigei overthrown at Kypchak Khanate .
1412 AD
Gelal ed-Din, then Kerim Berdi, Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1414-17 AD
Kibak Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1417-19 AD
Jeremferden Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1419 AD
Uleg Mehmed Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1431 AD
With both Vitvot and Metropolitan Photius dead, Yuri, brother of Vasilii I, again claims throne of Moscow - he and Vasilii II go to Sarai for decision by Khan Ulug Mehmed.
1432 AD
Ulug Mehmed gives yarlik to Vasilii II.
1433-34 AD
Yuri Dmitriyevich Galitski attacks and captures Moscow and becomes grand prince, Vasilii II sent to Kostroma but by end of the year Vasilii has raised army and returned - Sajjid Ahmed claims to be Khan of Kypchak Khanate.
1435-65 AD
Kuchak Mehmed, Khan of Kypchak Horde after overcoming Ulug Mehmed.
1437-45 AD
Ulug Mehmed, Khan of Kazan.
1438 AD
Ulug Mehmed defeats Moscow at Belev.
1439 AD
Ulug Mehmed besieges Moscow.
1440-66 AD
Khadzhi Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1443 AD
Kypchak Horde Tatars led by Prince Mustafa attack Riazan, defeated by Vasilii II's troops.
1444 AD
Khan Uleg Mehmed moves from Belev down Oka to Gorodets.
1445 AD
Uleg Mehmed attacks Murom, he sends sons, Mahmudek and Yakub to attack Suzdal, they capture Vasilii II. Mahmudek captures Kazan from Kypchak Horde.
1445-62 AD
Uleg Mehmed, proclaims self Khan of Kazan.
1446 AD
While Vasilii is held by Tatars, Dmitrii Yurivich Shemiaka takes Moscow throne. Uleg Mehmed lets Vasilii return to Moscow for huge ransom. Then Ivan, prince of Mozhaisk helps Dmitrii by capturing Vasilii and Dmitri then blinds Vasilii. Nevertheless, by end of the year Vasilii has gained support and Dmitri is driven out of Moscow.
1447 AD
Vasilii retakes Moscow from Dmitri Shemiaka - Mahmudek, now Khan of Kazan, attacks Moscow but is driven away. Boris cements alliance with Vasilii by agreeing that his daughter, Maria, marry Ivan. Boris sends cannon from Tver to help Vasilii take Ustug and defeat Shemiaka. And Vasilii to show friendship gives Rzhev to Tver. But Rzhev objects so Boris has to besiege the town using his cannon.
1449 AD
Said Ahmad sends part of Horde against Moscow, defeated by Kasim, Tsarivich of Kasimov Tatars.
1451 AD
Another Horde Tatar army of Said Ahmad reaches Moscow but is repulsed at the walls.
1462-67 AD
Halil, Khan of Kazan.
1462 - 1505 AD
Ivan III Vasil'yevich, Grand Prince of Moscow.
1462 AD
First campaign by Ivan III against Kazan.
1465-81 AD
Ahmed, Khan of Kypchak Horde.
1465 AD
Khan Ahmed starts campaign against Moscow, attacked en route on Don by Haji Girei and Crimean Tatars, allies of Moscow.
1466-72 AD
Tver merchant Afanasiyi Nikitin travels overland to India.
1466-68 AD
Nur-Devlet Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1467-79 AD
Ibrahim, son of Mahmudek, Khan of Kazan.
1468-1515 AD
Mengli Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1468-69 AD
Ivan III begins another major campaign against Kazan, fails twice.
1471 AD
Ivan III campaigns against Novgorod with Muscovite and Tatar troops and detachment from Tver, wins victory at Shelon River, forces treaty on Novgorod.
1471 AD
Kaffa pays tribute to Khan to buy friendship.
1471-72 AD
Genoese at Kaffa side with Mengli-Girei in his struggle for power with his brothers, (Nur- Devlet) whom they capture and keep at Sudak. Genoese try to get aid from Poland against Turks, but Poles fighting elsewhere.
1472 AD
Casimir signs treaty of alliance with Great (Kypchak) Horde against their mutual enemies, Muscovy and Crimean Tatars.
1472 AD
Ahmed launches another major campaign against Moscow, blocked with aid of Kasimov Tatars when Lithuanian allies failed to show.
1474 AD
Ivan III sends boyar, Nikita Beklemishev, to Khan Mengli Girei and Isaac (to check about marriage) and sign alliance with Mengli against Ahmed. Ivan also pays damages for raids of cossacks against Kaffa merchants.
1475 AD
Ivan III negociating treaty of alliance with Mengli Girei when Ottomans invade and capture Mengli.
1475 AD
Khan Mengli Girei forced out at Solkhat, takes refuge in Kaffa. Tatar chieftans support Ottoman sultan, who uses the excuse to conquer Crimea.
1475 AD
31 May - Large Turkish fleet under Grand Vizier Keduk Akhmet Pasha arrives to conduct naval landing and besiege Kaffa with Tatar aid.
1475 AD
6 June - after 5-day siege, Kaffa surrenders, 500 Genoese families sent to Constantinople, many leaders manage to flee to Mangup. Many foreign merchants including Russians taken into slavery.
1475 AD
December - Ottomans capture Mangup after 3-month siege, during which 5 assaults fail, by using heavy artillery. Prince Alexander has 300 Wallach mercenaries and possibly 15,000 local men. Mengli Girei taken to Constantinople then returned to be Khan. Prince Alexander taken and beheaded after his wife and daughters are given to Sultan's harem.
1475 AD
Ottoman Turks establish their local governor on Magkup and begin repair of fortifications. This becomes their citadel for control over Crimean Tatars.
1475 AD
Ivan goes again to Novgorod - Aristotle Fioroventi arrives in Moscow with contract to fortify and build churches.
1477 AD
Ivan again campaigns against Novgorod with support from Tver troops.
1478 AD
Khan Ibrahim of Kazan tries to capture Viatka while Ivan III busy at Novgorod, but fails. Ivan takes great bell from Novgorod to Moscow. He also takes Torzhok.
1479-84 AD
Ali, Khan of Kazan.
1480 AD
Incident on the Ugra, Ivan III and Khan Ahmed face each other across river but both refuse battle. Tver sends troops to support Ivan.
1484-85 AD
Muhammed Emin, Khan of Kazan.
1484 AD
Ivan III conducts another campaign against Kazan.
1484 AD
Ivan sends his Tatar troops to aid Mengli Girei against Great Horde after the Horde under Murtaza (Ahmed's son) invades Crimea. Mengli sends Murtaza as prisoner to Istanbul, then Mengli defeated and goes temporarily to Istanbul.
1484 AD
Under increasing pressure Great Horde migrates west to Donets River, continues much fighting with Crimean Tatars and Moscow.
1485-87 AD
Ali, (2nd time) Khan of Kazan.
1486 AD
Ivan sends army under Nur Devlet against Great Horde.
1487-95 AD
Mohammed Emin (2nd time) Khan of Kazan.
1487 AD
Under pressure from Ottoman sultan Great Horde attacks Lithuania instead of Crimea or Moscow. Horde spends 2.5 years campaigning in Poland and Lithuania thus weakening Poles versus Ottomans but also weakening itself versus Crimea and Moscow.
1487 AD
With Mehemmed Amin's mother now married to Mengli Girei, his ally, Ivan now settles on Mehemmed as his candidate for Kazan throne, sends 4 armies who depose Ali and instal Mehemmed again. Ivan agrees for Mehemmed to marry daughter of Nogai chieftan, Musa.
1490 AD
Great Horde still fighting in Poland after being ejected from Podolia, Ivan sends Kasimov Tatars against them with no contact. Sultan Bayazid trying to get all Tatars into mutual alliance.
1490-91 AD
Mengli Girei demobilizes Crimean army, then Great Horde attacks by surprise, Mengli retaliates against their fortress on Dnieper while Great Horde is fighting Poles, Bayazid sends 1000 Janissaries to help Mengli.
1491 AD
Afash ulan leads Kazan Tatar army attack on Astrakhan.
1491 AD
Poles defeat Great Horde at Zaslavl as Mengli and Ivan applaud from the sidelines. But then Great Horde masses north of Crimea for invasion with aid from Nogai Horde. Ivan sends army south and also sends Kazan Tatars south to aid Crimeans. This forces Great Horde to disperse.
1492 AD
Combined attack on Astrakhan by Siberian Tatar Ivak, his brother, Mamuk, Khan of the Uzbeks, and his brother in law, Musa andYamgurchu of the Nogais, but they fail to take fortress. They continue to pressure Kazan.
1492 AD
With Great Horde impotent, Mengli Girei builds Crimean fortress at Tyaginka, on Dnieper as base for raids into Podolia, Ivan concerned as he has designs on lower Dnieper for himself.
1493 AD
Mengli begins Crimean campaigns into Lithuania-Poland from Tyaginka. Lithuanians counter attack and destroy that fort. Mengli leads next campaign in person into Podolia and rebuilds Tyaginka .
1495-96 AD
Mamuk, Khan of Siberia takes over in Kazan with help from Nogais, Mehemmed flees to Moscow, then population ejects Mamuk.
1496-1502 AD
Abd- al- Latif, Mehemmed's brother, installed by Ivan as new Khan of Kazan, Mehemmed receives lands around Serpukhov, thus Mengli and Nur Sultan were kept happy.
1498 AD
Nogai and Siberian Tatars again plotting to take Kazan and replace Abd-al-Latif.. Ottomans invade Poland to aid Stephen and Mengli.
1499 AD
Ivan sends riverine army to defend Kazan from Siberians and Nogai. He also agrees with Mengli on division of the steppe Ukraine.
XVI century
1500 AD
Ivan again defending Kazan from Nogai despite being also heavily engaged in war in Lithuania, Battle of Vedrosha River.
1500 AD
Crimean Tatars reach Lvov and Lublin in July. Great Horde again moves west to Don and Medveditsa Riveras under Sheykh and Seyyed, sons of Ahmad Khan, They are planning to help Lithuanians. Mengli Gerei withdraws from Lithuania to guard Crimea from them. Then they shift to attack Moscow. Mengli warns Ivan and Ivan sends army south. Crimeans invade Lithuania again and reach Brest and into Poland across Vistula.
1501 AD
Treaty of Wenden unites Livonian Order and Lithuanians against Ivan III. Alexander now king of Poland plans to get Nogai to attack Kazan while Great Horde and Lithuanians attack Seversk. Ivan on defensive, but defeats Livonians at Helmed.
1502 AD
Great Horde, now much depleted, moves west to Dnieper north of Kyiv but refuses Ottoman order to cross. Mengli Gerei chases Horde and destroys much of it on 6 June. Ivan has Tatar Khans of Kazan and Kasimov with their armies supporting his around Smolensk. In July Mengli sends his sons, Feti and Burnash, with 90,000 troops to support Ivan, but instead they raid far west into Polish Galicia and Volhynia. Their excuse was that area around Smolensk was too wooded. Their raid did force Alexander to shift troops from Smolensk west to Lutsk. But Master von Plettenberg saves Livonia in battle of Lake Smolina.
1502-18 AD
Muhammed Emin (3rd time) Khan of Kazan.
1504 AD
Mengli Girei sends letter to Ivan III informing that Sultan Bayazid II has assigned 1000 men from Kaffa and Mangup to repair fortifications.
1508 AD
Muhammed returns Russian prisoners and signs peace treaty.
1512 AD
Mengli Gerei switches sides to alliance with Lithuania - due to Vasilii's stingy payments and Muscovite annexation of Severia. This destroys cornerstone of Ivan III's strategic policy and begins continual war between Crimea and Moscow lasting to 1780's.
1515-23 AD
Mukhammed Girei I, Khan of Crimea (Mengli's son).
1515 AD
Crimean Tatars raid Moscow. Moscow begins major fortification program along southern border - Zasechnaya Cherta. Organizes 'shore duty' along Oka.
1519-21 AD
Mehemmed Amin dies at Kazan, Vasilii sends Shah Ali, Mehemmed's brother, as new Khan of Kazan. Crimeans now interveen against Moscow, send Khan's brother, Sahib to rule Kazan.
1521-24 AD
Sahib Girei, Khan of Kazan.
1521 AD
Mehemmed Girei, Khan of Crimea, launches major campaign against Moscow, they reach suburbs with Lithuanian and Cossack help. Moscow annexes Riazan accusing them of aiding Tatars.
1523 AD
Gazi Girei I , Khan of Crimea.
1523-31 AD
Saddat Girei I, Khan of Crimea.
1524-31 AD
Safa Girei, Khan of Kazan.
1531-33 AD
Jan Ali, Khan of Kazan, protegee of Moscow, he was Khan of Kasimov and brother of Shah Ali.
1532 AD
Islam Girei I, Khan of Crimea.
1532-50 AD
Sakhib Girei I, Khan of Crimea.
1533-46 AD
Safa Girei (2nd time), Khan of Kazan.
1533-84 AD
Ivan IV Vasil'yevich, Tsar of all Russias (his mother, Elena Glinskaya regent until 1538, then Vasilii Shuiskii regent for a year, then Ivan Bel'skii).
1534 AD
Sakhib Girei tries to capture Kazan and Astrakhan but he is murdered.
1538 AD
Kazan Tatars raid Muscovy.
1540 AD
Safa Girei leads Kazan troops against Muscovy, then Sakhib Girei brings Crimean Tatars and Turkish troops north along Don.
1541 AD
31 July the Crimean army with Turkish artillery reaches Oka. Large Muscovite army defends river line to Tatars retire.
1546-49 AD
Shah Ali, Khan of Kazan.
1548 AD
Ivan IV first campaign against Kazan, many troops lost to river ice thaw.
1549-51 AD
Safa Girei dies, Utemish (regent) in Kazan.
1550 AD
In Feb Ivan's army reaches Kazan. In March reports that Sakhib Girei is advancing from Crimea force Ivan to move troops to Kolomna and Riazan.
1551-77 AD
Devlet Girei I, Khan of Crimea.
1551-52 AD
Shah Ali (3rd time), Khan of Kazan, sent by Ivan when Kazan leaders want peace and throw out the Crimean rulers. He releases 60,000 Russians held prisoner. People revolt against Shah Ali.
1552 AD
Yedigar Muhammed, Khan of Kazan.
1552 AD
Ivan IV conquest of Kazan.
1553 AD
Revolt in Kazan, Ivan sends several armies to crush it. Nogai Tatars ask him to depose Khan of Astrakhan.
1554 AD
Ivan IV sends Russian army down Volga by boat to Astrakhan to depose Yamgurchei and instal Derbysh as Tsar of Astrakhan, Yamgurchei counterattacks with Crimean and other Nogai help, Derbysh flees and Russians take control.
1554 AD
Ivan mounts first attack directly toward Crimea and Muscovite army reaches Perekop. Khan Devlet Girei counterattacks with large army to Tula. Devlet ambushes Ivan Sheremetev.
1556 AD
Ivan sends recon parties to Crimea while he goes with main army to Tula, Ivan forstalls Devlet, who retires again to Crimea. Russian recon raids Ochakov on Black Sea, Prince Vishnevetsky builds Cossack fortress on Khortitsa Island.

XVII century
1644 AD
Kalmyks push west of Volga to Terek River.
1645-76 AD
Alexis Mikhailovich, Tsar of all the Russias
1645 AD
After suffering major naval loss against Venice, Ottoman sultan orders Tatars to round up thousands of slaves for new galleys - As Tatars mobilize Russians learn of this and prepare stronger defense against winter campaigns (best time for Tatars to capture people). The raid nets only 6300 prisoners, however, due to extreme cold.
1648-87 AD
Mohammed IV, Ottoman Sultan.
1648 AD
Boghdan Khmelnitski begins Cossack uprising against Poland. Tatars join as allies and together they defeat Polish army at Zolte Wode and Korsun, Potocki is captured. Then at Pylavo another Polish army is destroyed. With Tatars taking prisoners and loot at will in Poland, Moscow is spared for several years.
1654-66 AD
Mukhammed Girei IV, Khan of Crimea.
1653 AD
Cossacks now allied with Moscow in war with Poland over Smolensk, so Crimeans also switch and begin campaigns against Moscow again in Ukraine.
1644-76 AD
Ddil' Girei, Khan of Crimea.
1657-62 AD
War in Transylvania Turks and Tatars drive Rakoczy out.
1657 AD
Tatars defeat George Rakoczy II at Tombovia in Transylvania, capture commander Janos Kemeny.
1657 AD
Kalmyks sign new treaty with Moscow to attack both Crimean and Nogai Tatars.
1660 AD
During long Polish-Russian war, General V Sheremetev with combined Muscovite- Cossack army is surrounded by Polish - Tatar army at Liubar in Volhynia. Hetman Khmelnitski is defeated at Slobodyszcze while trying to bring relief. Sheremetev surrenders and is held prisoner in Crimea for 20 years. (At Chufut-kale and Mangup). - The Ottoman government sends a powerful fleet and army supported by 40,000 Tatars to fortify the mouth of the Don and Donetz with towers and chains. - Needing Kalmyk aid all the more after these disasters the Russians establish special relations. From 1661 under the new treaty the Kalmyks send from 1 to 10 thousand warriors each year against the Tatars.
1661 AD
Crimean Tatars again ordered to support Ottomans in war in Hungary. They send 30,000 and left Ukraine and Muscovy alone. Tatars forming more and more important part of Ottoman army. But Kalmyks attack Tatar rear areas several times into 1663.
1736 AD
To expand pressure into Kuban, in the spring the Russians send 20,000 Kalmyks against Tatars there. They force considerable numbers of Tatars to surrender. They repeat their campaign again in November. The Kalmyks made several ten's of thousands of Tatars slaves.
1737 AD
In June Marshal Lacy marches into Crimea with regular troops, Cossacks and Kalmyk warriors, bypassing the refortified Tatar line at Perekop. He burns and ravages Tatar villages and defeats Tatar and Turkish troops in several battles. Admiral Brenal wins Russian naval victory over Turks in Sea of Azov. Lacy withdraws into winter quarters in Ukraine by October.
1737 AD
Simultaneously with Russian operations, the Kalmyks again lay waste to the Kuban region destroying Nogai villages and enslaving prisoners.
1738 AD
Marshal Munich conducts his third campaign, this time deep into Moldavia, assembling 50,000 troops including Cossacks and Kalmyks on the Dnieper beginning in May. By early August, after several successful battles, he reaches the Dniester. In September he returns into winter quarters around Kyiv.

Actually woman likes MANLY man
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 17, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23.08.06, 21:21 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

ну как это было все равно толком то нико и не знает ... но вот что было то наверняка... это то что когда Мамай дал о себе знать (он не был не бурятом не монголом (просто среднеазиат или азиат)) тогда Дмитрий Донской и его армия состоявшая из 20 тыш воск(а на русси в те времена кроме стрельцов кто был? правильно! крестьяне с вилами... и кто они по сравнению с войском Мамая?? тараканы! .. вот и Дмитрий Донской пощел просить помощи у Чингис -Ханна ипредставляете он дал ему ярлык.... знаете что это наверное?? это право командованием войск монголов .... он и взял с собой еще 60 тыш там были и конница с копьями и мечами да и стрельцы... а как вы знаете буряты были лучшеми полководцами и стрельцами .... ну стрельцами то почьти лучшими ... все азиаты хорошо стреляют ... был ондин там стрелец.... но имени уже не помню ... он представте через реку смог выстрелить стрелу и убить первого война Мамая... а Мамая кто знает кто он был ... он воопбще ил ниоткуда появился... просто у него были деньги ...а войско у него состояло из одних (снова не помню как называется) кароче говоря наёмники в двуручными мечами ... :evil: они то убили ли бы нафиг этих русских если бы не монгольская армия.... 3 дня они нафиг гнали их от туда... в конце концов в истории россии все это умалчивается... ну по крайней мере я этого от историков не слышал....
все что интерестно то спросите... я отвечу...
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Зарегистрирован: Oct 04, 2004
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Откуда: ...где-то рядом
СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 00:19 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Oyabun писал(а):
хз... но мамай-тохтамышь-... какие-то небурят-монгольские имена имхо :?

Насчет имени Тохтамыш. В основе разве не наше имя Тогто или Тогтохо? Имя мэркитского вождя Тогто-а, имхо, = современное Тогтохо.
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баймга ороошо

Зарегистрирован: May 21, 2004
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Откуда: Элиста
СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 03:07 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

MsJ_mastasirj писал(а):
ну как это было все равно толком то нико и не знает ... но вот что было то наверняка... это то что когда Мамай дал о себе знать (он не был не бурятом не монголом (просто среднеазиат или азиат)) тогда Дмитрий Донской и его армия состоявшая из 20 тыш воск(а на русси в те времена кроме стрельцов кто был? правильно! крестьяне с вилами... и кто они по сравнению с войском Мамая?? тараканы! .. вот и Дмитрий Донской пощел просить помощи у Чингис -Ханна ипредставляете он дал ему ярлык.... знаете что это наверное?? это право командованием войск монголов .... он и взял с собой еще 60 тыш там были и конница с копьями и мечами да и стрельцы... а как вы знаете буряты были лучшеми полководцами и стрельцами .... ну стрельцами то почьти лучшими ... все азиаты хорошо стреляют ... был ондин там стрелец.... но имени уже не помню ... он представте через реку смог выстрелить стрелу и убить первого война Мамая... а Мамая кто знает кто он был ... он воопбще ил ниоткуда появился... просто у него были деньги ...а войско у него состояло из одних (снова не помню как называется) кароче говоря наёмники в двуручными мечами ... :evil: они то убили ли бы нафиг этих русских если бы не монгольская армия.... 3 дня они нафиг гнали их от туда... в конце концов в истории россии все это умалчивается... ну по крайней мере я этого от историков не слышал....

Парень, сказок на ночь начитался)))))
Дмитрий Донской пошел просить помощи у уже 150 лет как похороненного Чингис Хана. Я валялся))))
Счастье, власть и деньги - это не цель, а побочный продукт.
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ходо байгша

Зарегистрирован: Mar 18, 2004
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Откуда: Ханское монгольское государство (четвертый северный тумэн)
СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 04:32 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Aug 17, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 19:26 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

во первых кто переменил мою тему?? она хорошо называлась ... и во вторых это не только про куликовскую... это про всю историю связаная с россией и бурятией :x :evil: вообще...
какие сказки!! не знаеш историю не говори :?
все что интерестно то спросите... я отвечу...
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Jun 23, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 19:28 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

интересно :shock:
но так вообще история субьективная вещь
ее каждый раз рассматривают по новому в каждое время
мы можем лишь выдвигать очередную версию
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Aug 17, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 24.08.06, 20:27 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

История... знаете что сталин издал приказ об истреблении бурятского народа на территории россии то есть ссср кроме бурятии конечно же.. типо это не будет ...подозрительно ... еще знаете почему русский народ поклонялся крассной звезде?? :!:
все что интерестно то спросите... я отвечу...
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баймга ороошо

Зарегистрирован: May 21, 2004
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Откуда: Элиста
СообщениеДобавлено: 25.08.06, 03:51 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

MsJ_mastasirj писал(а):
во первых кто переменил мою тему?? она хорошо называлась ... и во вторых это не только про куликовскую... это про всю историю связаная с россией и бурятией :x :evil: вообще...
какие сказки!! не знаеш историю не говори :?

Уважаемый, а Вам годов сколько?
Вы какой ВУЗ заканчивали? Факультет?
Монографии, труды, статьи, диссертации есть? Ссылочку не дадите?
Можно у Вас поинтересоваться: где и под чьим руководством Вы "так хорошо" изучили историю?
Счастье, власть и деньги - это не цель, а побочный продукт.
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Aug 17, 2006
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СообщениеДобавлено: 25.08.06, 08:58 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Уважаемый, а Вам годов сколько?
Вы какой ВУЗ заканчивали? Факультет?
Монографии, труды, статьи, диссертации есть? Ссылочку не дадите?
Можно у Вас поинтересоваться: где и под чьим руководством Вы "так хорошо" изучили историю?
ааа не вериш да?? кхм... :o дело то твоё... у меня вся семья истрорики ... мне 17 ... 8) а ты видно сам наверное изучаеш историю ... да? и думаеш что все прекрастно знаш и решил поспорить ... кхм... спорь пожалуйста я на это не буду внимание обращать ... :?
все что интерестно то спросите... я отвечу...
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баймга ороошо

Зарегистрирован: May 21, 2004
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Откуда: Элиста
СообщениеДобавлено: 25.08.06, 10:11 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

MsJ_mastasirj писал(а):
ааа не вериш да?? кхм... :o дело то твоё... у меня вся семья истрорики ... мне 17 ... 8) а ты видно сам наверное изучаеш историю ... да? и думаеш что все прекрастно знаш и решил поспорить ... кхм... спорь пожалуйста я на это не буду внимание обращать ... :?

Все ясно. Вопросов больше не имею.
Идите молодой человек, учитесь, белой дороги на пути.

Один совет. Не сочтите за фамильярность. К мнению других людей, порой намного старше Вас относитесь повежливей и поуважительней. И поменьше категоричности в суждениях.
Конечно это форум, но за свои слова нужно отвечать независимо от того где ты их высказал, если Вы себя мужчиной считаете конечно. А чтобы не попасть в просак, стоит следить за своими словами. Чисто дружеский совет.
Счастье, власть и деньги - это не цель, а побочный продукт.
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