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TuyanaEfimova шэнэхэн
Зарегистрирован: Feb 26, 2005 Сообщения: 10
Добавлено: 15.08.05, 04:59 +0000 for pregnant women |
eto ya napisala paru let nazad dlya mestnogo zhurnala roditelskogo.
neskolko znakomih probovali - govoryat 90% poluchaetsya.
mozhet komu-to prigoditsya
Creation of Universe
I believe that a pregnant woman is a Goddess. She creates a whole world, a universe, from the moment of conception. No, even earlier–all her life, all her inner thoughts influence her unborn baby.
When I was a junior student in my Siberian college, I loved psychology and was lucky to have a great teacher. Once she told us about a married couple, both psychologists, who made their own family experiment when the wife got pregnant. They did all the things that seem a must now, like talking to the unborn baby and listening to beautiful relaxing music, but they also did something quite unusual. The mother started imagining her baby’s appearance: its hair and eye color and the shape of its hands. And she spoke her wishes aloud almost every day, "You’ll have eyes like your daddy, nose as your grandma, your aunt’s hair, my feet …" She also studied pictures of babies who looked more or less like the ideal baby she imagined. And you know what? The baby looked exactly like his mother wished!
When I got pregnant the first time, I remembered my psychology teacher’s story, and I thought if it’s possible to create a baby’s appearance, it could be possible to create his or her character as well.
So I started my experiment and began imagining every day with all my might. Sometimes I felt stupid talking to my belly, but I wanted my daughter–I knew even before ultrasound test that it would be a daughter–to have her father’s legs, my lips, and a slim, tall body. But the most important thing for me at that time was to have a strong child–strong inside. I wanted her to be a leader type since I felt that I myself lacked leadership then. I had problems with my in-laws, and I never had enough courage to say "no" to them. So I wanted my daughter to be brave enough to say "no" when she felt she needed to fight for her ideas. (Now I think I wished it too much!)
So, I’ve got what I wanted: a strong girl with narrow hips and sometimes too many no’s. She’s a fighter and leader, and probably doesn’t fit the typical image of a demure Asian girl.
With my second pregnancy I was not so sure what I wanted, with both inner and outer features. I felt it would be a boy, and since my second husband is Caucasian I knew that in any case our son would be a good-looking, strong, hybrid baby. Although I still wanted some things like strong legs (unlike me) and intelligence (like me and my husband) I just let it go, as God will allow.
I used to make stupid jokes about my husband’s ability to sweat a lot compared to Asians, but now I feel kind of sorry for my jokes. My baby boy is extremely sweaty: when he is sleeping there’s always a wet spot under his head. But also he is extremely pretty and, I think, very smart.
Even though my mother and husband tell me I’m gullible, I still believe that every thought, not only during pregnancy, echoes somewhere in the universe and changes it a little. When we say these thoughts aloud, they echo stronger and have more power. That’s why love and hate change people’s lives so much. So my lesson is simply this: cherish your Creation of Universe. |
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bodhisattva баймга ороошо
Зарегистрирован: Dec 10, 2004 Сообщения: 181
Добавлено: 23.08.05, 04:15 +0000 |
вспомнилось по теме
у бурят есть такое поверье гыгы
чем чище обглоданная кость барашка (тобой обголоданная, разумеется), тем чище личико твоей будущей дочери, то бишь симпатичнее :lol: |
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Нана ходо байгша
Зарегистрирован: Mar 10, 2004 Сообщения: 384
Добавлено: 04.09.05, 06:32 +0000 |
Когда я была беременна, я была безумно счастлива и спокойна, как удав.
Это при том, что в я довольно холерична и нервна.
Часто говорила со своим животом, вернее, с тем, кто там сидит.
Так уж получилось, что была все девять месяцев абсолютно одна, далека от заботливых родичей и мужа, но действительно чувствовала себя какой-то Вселенной.
Очень хорошая статья |
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TuyanaEfimova шэнэхэн
Зарегистрирован: Feb 26, 2005 Сообщения: 10
Добавлено: 05.09.05, 18:25 +0000 |
nedavno posetila buddhiyskuyu lektziyu, i Rinpoche sredi mnozhestva interesnoi informatzii upomyanul shto v zhivote u beremennoi zhenshini koleso Sansari.
ochen interesnoye sovpadeniye s moim personalnim oshusheniyem mira v etoi oblasti. |
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donlarisa эрдэмтэн
Зарегистрирован: Jun 18, 2004 Сообщения: 1087
Добавлено: 07.09.05, 14:25 +0000 |
На самом деле, наши мысли имеют обыкновение материализоваться, знаю на опыте своих беременных сестер… кстати, много об этом пишут в современных СМИ, итд … + стало модно ведь увлекаться фэн-шуйем |
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evgeniica заримдаа ороошо
Зарегистрирован: Jul 04, 2005 Сообщения: 29
Добавлено: 15.09.05, 14:30 +0000 |
Интересная статья. Не знала, что можно "заказывать" внешность своему кнопику :) _________________ Тот человек, которого ты любишь во мне, конечно лучше меня: я не такой. Но ты люби, и я постараюсь быть лучше себя. (М.М.Пришвин) |
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donlarisa эрдэмтэн
Зарегистрирован: Jun 18, 2004 Сообщения: 1087
Добавлено: 16.09.05, 05:24 +0000 |
моя мама говорит, что во время беременности не стоит смотреть на некрасивые вещи, а только на красивые
и радоваться этой красотой
то, что надо грызть кости дочиста - есть такая фишка :) |
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